Make Some Ripples – And Not Just in Your Hair

The View From Out Here

What do YOU see?   Well, I can only speak for myself…

We have a tendency to look at ourselves and see all that we are NOT, but when we look at others we tend to be more generous – we see their gifts, their potential, their achievements.

Why aren’t we kinder to ourselves? Our self-perception can be skewed, so we look to others for approval. We have this deep desire to be known and to have others value us, validate us, believe in us.

The Ripple Effect

I want to challenge you to embrace the Golden Rule, with a twist, and help others see themselves as YOU see them.  Stir up the waters.  Encourage the people who surround you.  Support them as you desire to be supported.  Gift a sister, brother, friend with your unyielding encouragement and approval in how they are created today!  Keep telling them until they believe it.  This is when inner belief will take root and grow.

This is the ripple effect of change and how we become agents of change, first within our own inner circle and then the wider world around us. You may not be who you want to be right now, but you are EXACTLY who you are supposed to be. You must stand firm – you will be honored in this, not in perfection. A super hero standard is not possible. You can and should be YOU. You may not be who you want to be just yet, but you can move in that direction.

Open Your Eyes

What are you being called to do? What will your legacy be?

Be available, be obedient. Keep your eyes open and see who needs you to give them that little boost of encouragement about their parenting skills, their contribution at work, their partner choices, their hairstyle. You will make their day and possibly change their life!

I’ve recently been inspired by songs that carry the same message that I have on my heart. Here’s another one from the Chainsmokers called “Something Just Like This” about seeking. (Lyrics can be found at

I’m looking for someone just like you. You may not be who you want to be exactly, but you are created exactly as you were supposed to be. Share your stories with me – I want to lift you up. Together we can walk with each other, support each other and create a few ripples.

I want something just like this, just like you. Super heroes need not apply.

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