It's summer and we want to enjoy weekends at the pool and the beach... but how do we protect our curls against harsh chemicals and salt water? Here's what we recommend for keeping your hair healthy and happy this season. ☀️

Great question. Summer is upon us and we’re gonna be splashing in the summer. A couple things, you know, what do you want to do?

Your hair is like a sponge. You want to fill the sponge with what you want in it as opposed to jumping in the pool and getting chlorine or any other yucky stuff in there. So what I do is I use a spray bottle of water and I will put conditioner on. Serves dual purpose cause when you get out you can put on a little shower cap and have a great conditioning treatment. So fill the cuticle with a little bit of water and conditioner and then when you get out. Anytime your hair is going to get dry, you want to wet it first and then put conditioner in before going into the swimming pool.

When you get out and you finished your day and you’re ready to shower you’re probably going to have a little chlorine. Or if you didn't do this then you’re going to want to use your detox shampoo. We have chelating agents and that helps remove all of the yucky buildup. That’s it!