Tips and tricks to get rid of flakes when using Moptop Curly Hair Custard

Hi guys, it’s Kelly Foreman with Moptop junk-free hair care. We've had a couple questions on “What do I do if I get flakes” and “What causes it?”?

That can happen with any gel. If you happen to have a lower porosity hair, which just simply means your hair takes longer to wet and it takes longer to dry with or without product on it. The reason that happens is the gel on top of your hair is drying before you hair. There are a couple of tips and tricks you can do, really, really simple. For me, it takes an extra five to ten minutes to diffuse my hair and I want to be super careful that I’m not moving it a whole lot.

So I’ll just take a section at a time and I hold it there. I like to use medium to low heat so that I’m not adding too much heat to my hair. I really like to focus on the crown too because I feel like I want to create north/south and I want that drying first. And so if you’ll notice, I’ve added a couple clips for that height north/south. Another tip is you have to wait until your hair is 70-80% dry. The next thing I do is I’ll take our Mongongo Oil and it just takes a few drops. I’ll emulsify it in my hands and I will release the cast once it is 70-80% dry and it also adds a really nice sheen just like that. I love it. So that can eliminate any flakes, and if you’re not happy with that there’s even another thing you can do.

What I do is I take a little spray bottle of water and I just added just a little bit of our Daily Conditioner. The reason you need to do that is you just need to add a little moisture to dilute that because what’s happened is the gel dried faster than your hair. Super simple fix. And so I will just spray that on and scrunch it in and then next time don’t use quite so much gel. Hope that helps. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out, we’d love to answer them. I want to make sure you love your hair, love your curls. Thanks, have a great day!