Message From Our Founder
Kelly Foreman has a love affair with hair, but it wasn’t always that way. Born and raised in the Carolinas and Texas, humidity was an ever-present challenge for most people to have “good hair” days, but especially for those like Kelly with extremely curly hair.
Kelly grew up and entered her teen years as the latest hair trends evolved from the Dorothy Hamill to Farrah Fawcett feathering to asymmetrical bobs – none of which could be easily achieved with naturally kinky-coily curls and without an arsenal of hair care products. As a result, the hurtful nicknames began. Fuzzy. Brillo. Poodle. MopTop.
After starting her own family, Kelly realized her children had inherited varying textures of her hair and was determined to come up with a solution to enhance and manage the beauty of natural curls. From her home in Norman, OK, she dove into research to find the right products. After interviewing more than 200 stylists and studying successful European and domestic lines, she came up with a list of the perfect ingredients and went to work in her kitchen. What she created was curl-defining and moisturizing, but smelled horrible.
So, she stepped out of the kitchen and enlisted the aid of her friends in the cosmetic industry who shared her vision. She wanted the best quality natural ingredients for her kids, and to ensure that they got the message early on that they should embrace their natural beauty and what God had given them, despite what society dictates.
After spending a year in research and development, Kelly’s efforts resulted in the launch of the MopTop and FuzzyDuck natural product lines in 2005, designed for all ages, all hair textures, and all ethnicities.
In her decades-long quest to solve the riddle of how to embrace her own natural beauty, Kelly has met many people who have also struggled with hair texture that made them feel unattractive. Through her MopTop and FuzzyDuck salon and retail lines, Kelly has made it her mission to change the world, one frizzy head at a time, by teaching adults, teens and kids how to embrace their natural beauty, naturally.
- Kelly